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In-List Filtering

Find Panel

The Find Panel will find all occurrences of a word in the current list view.

  1. Type in the box the text to search
  2. Click Find or Enter
  3. Click clear to the clear the search and start a new one

Query Builder
The query builder allows you to design a single or a multi condition (advanced) query. A query is a method of filtering the list. Once you have designed a query, the list will be filtered on those conditions.

To create a new query:
1) Select the desired field to query
2) Select the comparison e.g. "Contains"
3) Enter a value e.g. "Chevy" then click "ENTER" on your keyboard

The query builder contains some more advanced query options:

1. Select Fields - Use this drop-down to select the ACT! field to filter on Make.

2. Comparison Selector - Use this drop-down to select the comparison operator e.g. "Contains" or "Starts With"

3. Enter Filter Text - Use this drop-down to enter the filter text e.g. "Chevy"

4. Show Fields
- This option uses values in a second field to be compared to the first.
Rather than using the value from 3. Enter Filter Text, this 0ption will use the value from a second field. "Does FieldA contain value from FieldB?"

5. Invert Criteria - Use this option to invert the filter criteria e.g. "Show me all cars that do not contain "Chevy"

6. Add Criteria - Use this option to add additional criteria line(s). "Show me all cars where the Make contains 'Chevy' and the Make contains 'Ford'.

7. Remove Criteria - Use this option to remove additional criteria.

Here is a step-by-step example:

1. Click on the QUERIES button on the toolbar.
3. Select Make from the fields drop-down.
4. Select Contains from the comparison drop-down.
5. Enter the value of 'Chevy' in the text box then click RETURN

If you would like to add additional conditions:
6. Click on the ADD CRITERIA button
7. Select Price from the fields drop-down.
8. Select Greater Than from the comparison drop-down.
9. Enter the value of '50000' in the text box then click RETURN

This query will return all rows where the make is Chevy and the price is greater than $50,000.

Filter Row

Filter row allows you to quickly filter the list at the top of any column. If you do place two values at the top of two columns the filter row will always use an "And" comparison condition. Filter row is different to the query builder in the fact that the filter row can not do advanced or multi-conditional queries.

1) To access the filter row, click on the FILTER button on the toolbar.
2) You will now see a empty filter row at the top of the list, displayed in yellow.
3) Enter a filter in any column, e.g. "United States" in the country column.
4) Click "Enter' on the keyboard. You now have this filter in place.

To add additional conditions to the current filter, just enter the text in the column header and click "ENTER" again.

Operator Condition
= Equals
$ Contains
!$ Not Contains
> Greater Than
< Less Than
>= Greater Than Or Equal To
<= Less Than Or Equal To
<> Not Equal
* Begins With
NULL Is Null
!NULL Is Not Null
EMPTY Is Empty
!EMPTY Is Not Empty
(A,B) Between Value A and B
!(A,B) Not Between Value A and B
A,B,C Multiple conditions

Here are some examples of filter conditions you can try:

To find all contacts whose Country is empty just type "EMPTY" in the filter row and click "ENTER"

To find all contacts whose Country is not empty just type "!EMPTY" in the filter row and click "ENTER" ( Notice the explanation mark before the word )

To find all contacts whose Country is either Germany or France or the USA just type "Germany, France, United States" in the filter row and click "ENTER" ( Notice each condition is separated by a comma )

To find all contacts that were edited this month just type "(8/1/2005-8/30/2005)" in the filter row and click "ENTER"

To find all contacts where a yes/no field is checked just select "TRUE" in the filter row and click "ENTER"

See also

Article ID:
Views: 392
Created By: jimdurkin
Modified By: [Modified By]
Created Date: 3/24/2014 12:31 PM
Last Modified: 3/24/2014 1:12 PM
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