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This document explains the basics of using the XRTable control and describes its main features.

This document consists of the following sections.
  • Table Overview
  • Table Structure
Table Overview

XRTable is used to display tabular information in a report, which is essential to creating table reports.


Table reports should not be confused with hierarchical master-detail reports as well as with cross-tab reports.

To add a table control to a report, drag the XRTable item from the toolbox DX.11.2: Report Controls tab and drop it onto the report's area.

You can create two tables simultaneously, e.g. one for showing column titles in the Page Header, and the other - for showing regular information in the Detail band.

To do this, select the XRTable item in the Toolbox. Then, in the Page Header area, click and hold down the left mouse button while dragging the mouse cursor across the Detail band.

To make your report more easily readable, you can assign different visual styles for even and odd table rows. To learn more on this, see How to: Use Odd and Even Styles.

Table Structure

XRTable contains one or more XRTableRow objects (accessed via the XRTable.Rows property), and each row contains one or more XRTableCell objects (accessed via the XRTableRow.Cells property). The structure of a table is reflected in Report Explorer.

You can manage a table's rows and their cells either via Report Explorer, or using the context menu that is shown by a right-click over the XRTable control.

  • To add a new row/column/cell, right-click a cell and in the invoked context menu choose the appropriate option in the Insert sub-menu.

  • To delete a row/column/cell, right-click a cell and in the invoked context menu choose the appropriate option in the Delete sub-menu.

In most aspects, XRTableCell is similar to the XRLabel control, i.e. it provides the same options for data binding, text formatting, alignment and appearance. The most important properties of a cell are available in its smart tag.

See also

Article ID:
Views: 162
Created By: jimdurkin
Modified By: [Modified By]
Created Date: 3/24/2014 12:31 PM
Last Modified: 3/24/2014 12:31 PM
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