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Home > Custom Tables > Donations


Using Impact you can create your own custom Donation Tracking System. Creating your own tracking tables brings more flexibility and allows you to design your own data-entry forms.

Installing our “Donations” template allows you to get up to speed in minutes. This template can be customized to fit your data-entry needs at any time today or in the future.
Because we are adding table into the ACT database you may want to install this template in a non production database such as the ACT Demo database.

To install the template:
  1. Launch ACT!
  2. Go to the TOOLS menu and select  IMPACT
  3. Click on the TEMPLATE tab on the left side
  4. On the list select “DONATION TRACKING"
    Please click on "Download more templates from the web" if you do not see the template in the list.
  5. Click on the INSTALL SELECTED TEMPLATE button.

This action will install two custom tables into your Act database named “Donations” and “Payments”
From the left side navigation in ACT you can now select your DONATION VIEW ( Shown below)

Section 1
This area is the list of donations recorded for the current contact. You can add or remove fields from this list.

Section 2
This is the data entry form to record a donation. Each donation can have multiple payments attached.

Section 3
This chart is based on the donation history of the current contact. As you can see it is year to year and displays both the total donations and the outstanding amount.

Article ID:
Views: 212
Created By: jimdurkin
Modified By: [Modified By]
Created Date: 6/10/2014 8:53 AM
Last Modified: 6/10/2014 10:04 AM
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