Custom Solutions For Your Company Sometimes products as good as Act! fall short of your business practices and requirements. That's where Durkin Computing steps in. We have created custom solutions for ACT! to remove any 'pain points'. Custom Tables / Data EntryAccounting IntegrationBusiness Workflow and AutomationReports and Dashboards What are custom software solutions? Custom software development is the process of designing, creating, deploying and maintaining software for a specific set of users, functions or organizations. In contrast to commercial off-the-shelf software (COTS), custom software development aims at a narrowly defined set of requirements. All our custom software development projects are 100% written in Microsoft's .NET technology. (That's what's under the hood in ACT!) We design, develop, write, code, test, implement, debug, install, train and maintain solutions for you.
These solutions can be downloaded as a separate database (for testing) or added to your existing database (for production) Requires Impact Cloud or Impact Tables version or better Install
Accounts This example database highlights the use of a custom table 'Accounts' to track and record expenses per contact, company, group or opportunity. Solution Includes: Account forms and list view Download Account
Automobile Repair This database highlights the use of three custom tables 'Automobiles', 'Expenses' and 'Expense Master' to track and record work performed on contact's automobiles. Solution Includes: Automobile forms and list view Expense forms and list view Download Automobile Repair
Automobile Sales This example database highlights the use of a a custom tables 'Automobiles' to track record the buying and selling of automobiles Solution Includes: Automobile forms and list view Download Auto Resellers
Billable Events This example database highlights the use of a two custom tables 'Tasks' and 'TimeBilled' to track and record invoices and invoice line items Solution Includes: Tasks forms and list view Time Billed forms and list view Download Billable Events
Call Messages This example database highlights the use of a custom tables 'Call Tracking' to track incoming call messages Solution Includes: Call Message forms and list view Download Call Messages
Classes / Events This example database highlights the use of a custom tables 'Classes' to track a class or event schedule Solution Includes: Class forms and list view Download Classes / Events
Deliveries This example database highlights the use of a custom tables 'Deliveries' to track and record deliveries. Solution Includes: Deliver forms and list view Download Deliveries
Equipment Activities This example database highlights the use of a custom tables 'Equipment' to track physical equipment and associated activities Solution Includes: Equipment forms and list view Activities forms and list view Download Equipment Activities
Events / Classes with Activities This example database highlights the use of a custom table 'Events' and a child table of activities to track and record events and classes that require activities attached. Solution Includes: Events forms and list view Activities forms and list view Download Events / Classes
Expenses This example database highlights the use of a custom table 'Expenses' to track and record expenses per contact, company, group or opportunity. Solution Includes: Expenses forms and list view Download Expenses
Insurance This example database highlights the use of a custom table 'Health' to track health insurance policies recorded against contacts, companies, groups or opportunities. items Solution Includes: Health Insurance forms and list view Download Insurance
Inventory This example database highlights the use of a custom table 'Inventory' to track and record inventory for contact. Solution Includes: Inventory forms and list view Download Inventory
Invoicing / Quoting This example database highlights the use of a two custom tables 'Invoice' and 'Invoice Items' to track and record invoices and invoice line items Solution Includes: Invoice forms and list view Line Items forms and list view Download Invoice
Orders This example database highlights the use of a custom tables 'Orders' to track orders recorded against contacts, companies, groups or opportunities. Solution Includes: Orders forms and list view Download Orders
Payments This example database highlights the use of a custom table 'Payments' 'Invoice Items' to track payments recorded against contacts, companies, groups or opportunities. Solution Includes: Payments forms and list view Download Payments
Photographs This example database highlights the use of a custom table 'PhotoGraphs' to track photographs recorded against contacts, companies, groups or opportunities. Solution Includes: PhotoGraphs forms and list view Download Photographs
Pledges This example database highlights the use of a custom table 'Pledges' to track financial contributions recorded against contacts, companies, groups or opportunities. Solution Includes: Pledge forms and list view Download Pledge Download Pledges
Project Tracking This example database highlights the use of a custom tables 'Project' to track and record project workflow Solution Includes: Project forms and list view Download Project Tracking
Recipes This example database highlights the use of a custom table 'Recipes' to track recipes and ingredients recorded against contacts, companies, groups or opportunities. Solution Includes: •Recipes forms and list view Download Recipies
Reservations This example database highlights the use of a custom table 'Reservations' to track individual reservations recorded against contacts, companies, groups or opportunities. Solution Includes: Reservations forms and list view Download Reservations
Services (with activities) This example database highlights the use of a two custom tables 'Services' and 'Activities' to track and record service events and the activities associated with each event. Solution Includes: Services forms and list view Activities forms and list view Download Services
Tasks This example database highlights the use of a two custom tables 'Tasks' and 'Activities' to track and record invoices and invoice line items Solution Includes: Tasks forms and list view Activities forms and list view Download Tasks
Time Billed This example database highlights the use of a custom table 'TimeBilled' to track billable time events recorded against contacts, companies, groups or opportunities. Solution Includes: Time Billed forms and list view Download Time Billed
Wine Inventory This example database highlights the use of a custom table 'Wine' to track wine inventory recorded against contacts, companies, groups or opportunities. Solution Includes: Wine forms and list view Download Wine Inventory